I’ve been experimenting with various site options. Themes, colors, that sort of thing. Haven’t really settled on anything yet. I am trying to find a theme that I one, I like, two, I know I can work with, and three, is not annoying. Hopefully this current one will work. It appears it has met the three requirements. Now that I have some semblance of order in just the outline of the site, I ought to begin actually working on writing.
I have started both of my classes now, both appear that they will be good programs. This will be my last quarter at Evergreen if all goes well. I have less than ten weeks now before I will have to start doing something other than school for basically the first time in my life. I do not know how to feel about it yet. Fear and excitement in equal measure I suppose. Right now, though I plan on just working on semi-immediate concerns. Turning in my Graduation Application, working on classwork, working on this project, and figuring out what I will do when I grow up when I get a chance.